North West Area Inclusion Partnership Phone: 0113 226 5454 ext 199 Email:



Area Inclusion Partnership


Alternative Provision/Programmes. Alternative provision/programmes managed by regulated third sector organisations or schools. Some provision mirrors a typical school day. Curriculum offer can vary (dependant on programme) with most programmes being designed to aid a young person’s development and help them maintain their school placement.


Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service

Cluster Managers

The Cluster Managers work within a Cluster to develop the extended core offer to meet the needs of the children, young people, their families and the local community. The range of extended activities may include some or all of the following: child care, health and social care, parent support, family learning, lifelong learning, study support, ICT, sports and arts. They also work closely with school staff, governing bodies and the wider cluster partnership to support the cluster in the delivery of a local extended services plan.


In Leeds, we have organised our services across twenty-five local clusters. Clusters were initially organised around universal services such as schools and children’s centres, and have developed in recent years to incorporate the range of services available to families in each local area. Cluster working arrangements are designed to ensure that families are offered the right service at the right time, as early as possible in the life of a problem, to prevent problems getting worse which may result in poor outcomes for the family.

Common Assessment Framework

A common assessment framework (CAF) was introduced across the country as part of the 2004 Children Act. The aim is to improve the way different services work together for families to provide early help. The same approach, form, process and language make it easier for different services to work together and make things more easily understandable for families. The label (CAF) is changing to Early Help Assessment but the principle remains the same.

Conversation Opportunities

We use the term conversation opportunities to describe the phone calls and meetings that take place between those working across Universal, Targeted and Specialist Services. These take place when it is felt that the child’s needs are not being met and something else is needed to improve outcomes for the child.

Core Subjects

Refers to the teaching of English, Maths & Science


Department for Education

Duty and Advice Team

This is a team of qualified social workers who have the training and experience to discuss with other practitioners concerns they may have about a child to identify the best way to meet the child’s needs. Also, where a practitioner is concerned that a child is at risk of significant harm, they can recommend that a child protection referral should be taken. Sometimes the Duty and Advice Team are described as the ‘Front Door’

Early Help

Our approach to responding to the needs of children and family in Leeds early in the life of the problem.

Early Help Assessment

An Early Help Assessment is used to support the identification of needs for a child, young person and their family. It can be an assessment that is currently used by a single agency. The Early Help Assessment should be a tool in its own right and not simply a referral mechanism. However the same information can support a contact to social work services in relation to a child in need or child in need of protection.

Early Start

Early Start is an integrated family based offer for children 0-5 year old, supporting all children and their families to have the best possible start in life. Early start is a combination of children’s centres and health visiting staff working together in fully integrated teams, which are based in each cluster of the city. 

Early Support

National programme for parents and carers of disabled children from birth to adulthood. Includes coordination of support for health, education and social care.

Early Years Provision

These are childcare services aimed at children aged 0 - 5 and their families. They include Children's Centres, nurseries and child minders in the statutory sector and by private, voluntary and independent providers.

Fair Access Protocol (F.A.P)

Local Authorities are required to have a Fair Access Protocol (FAP), agreed by schools to ensure that access to education is secured quickly for vulnerable children who have no school place and to ensure that all schools in an area admit their ‘fair share’ of children who may present challenges to the school

Families First

Families First Leeds is an initiative funded through the Government’s national Troubled Families scheme. Its aim is to ‘help families with a number of complex problems by working with them to help turn their lives around, improving outcomes for the whole family and thereby reducing the need for more intensive and costly interventions.’

Family Information Service

An information service for parents and carers of children and young people aged 0-19 (or up to 25 for families with disabled children). They provide information on a wide range of family services including childcare, family support and activities. 


Funding For Inclusion

Foundation subjects

Refers to the teaching of Art & Design, Citizenship, Computing, Design & Technology, Languages, Geography, History, Music, Physical Education


Frameworki, provided by Corelogic, is the case management system used by Children’s Services. This is used by Children’s Social Work Service. A separate early help module has also been developed for early help practitioners to record their work.


Individual Behaviour Plan

Inclusion Sub Group (I.S.G)

Monthly meetings chaired by the Project Director with regular attendance of core members from partnering schools and relevant agencies. 

Intense Nurture

Sessions targeted at an individual child for a planned period of time with the emphasis on behaviour modification with some delivered in the class room so that skills can be transferred from nurture to class. Intense nurture also helps to improve relationships between child and their parent/carer. This may involve parents attending stay & play sessions, offering practical support and strategies to be used at home.


Individual Pupil Risk Assessment 


Key Stage 1 is the legal term for the two years of schooling in maintained normally known as Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, when pupils are aged between 5 and 7


Key Stage 2 is the legal term for the four years of schooling in maintained schools normally known as Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6, when pupils are aged between 7 and 11


Key Stage 3 is the legal term for the three years of schooling in schools normally known as Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9, when pupils are aged between 11 and 14


Key Stage 4 is the legal term for the two years of school education which incorporate GCSEs, normally known as Year 10 and 11


Key Stage 5 is term used to describe the two years of education for students aged 16-18, also known as sixth form


Local Authority


Learning Support Centre


Local Safeguarding Children’s Board

Managed Move

There are circumstances in which it is appropriate to arrange a transfer of a pupil to another school. Managed moves are one of a number of strategies used to help support young people that can help to prevent them from being permanently excluded


Multi-systemic Therapy (MST) is an intensive family and community based intervention. The team works with young people (aged 11-17yrs) who are at risk of coming into care, are involved with the Youth Offending Service and/or are exhibiting a high level of anti-social behaviour.


Is a young person who is Not in Education, Employment, or Training


Delivered in school for children who are experiencing difficulties in learning and adjusting to the mainstream class room. It provides a balance between delivery of the National Curriculum and activities that help to build trusting relationships and to develop children’s social and emotional skills.


AIP staff visiting schools


Personal, Social and Health Education


Pupils attending an LSC

School Nursing

Nurses who are work specifically to address the health needs of pupils in school setting.


Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning


Special Educational Needs Coordinator. The member of staff in school with responsibility for the provision of children with special educational or additional needs


Specialist Inclusive Learning Centre

Social and Emotional Support

Outreach including consultancy, basic and advanced strategies, introduction of behaviour modification systems and support materials and support with outside agencies.

Special Educational Needs Team

The Special Educational Needs teamwork with schools to develop inclusive practice and provide support for children and young people with SEN (special educational needs). They aim to ensure that children and young people with SEN get the most out of their school life and maximize their achievements.


When a child’s needs cannot be met in Universal or Targeted Services, practitioners can make a request directly to Specialist Services. This includes when a child is in need of help and where it is believed that a child is suffering or likely to suffer significant harm and also where a specialist health service is needed.

Speech and Language Therapy Service

The Leeds Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) service supports children and young people aged 0-19 years old who have speech, language and communication difficulties. The main focus of our work is to help youngsters develop the best possible communication skills they can in light of their difficulties. For some, this might be spoken communication but for others it might be learning to use communication aids or a signs / symbols / gestures approach

Staff Development

AIP staff working alongside school based staff to help develop skills and approaches in addressing behavioural, emotional and social difficulties.


Targeted and Mental Health Service

Third Sector

Also known as the voluntary or community sector. A diverse group of organisations in size and function that is commonly set up for non-profit purposes to support a growing or specific need.


This term is used to describe a locality or area i.e. NW wedge.